The Official Launch of is the pioneer platform that is marketed as the first bespoke NFT gifting platform in Asia. offers the Web 3.0 solutions by applying Blockchain technology into personalized gifting that stores precious memories and contents immutably and eternally. It's the alliance between emerging market opportunities arising out of NFT and Love economy and this is where Love meets Blockchain.


The NFT platform’s vision is to bring love industry into NFT economy. In addition, it manages to align the checkout experience with the mission to bring Blockchain and NFT to everyone’s daily lives by eliminating the hassle of involving cryptocurrency for payment. The platform allows clients to pay by credit without having to be burdened by gas fee or volatility in crypto prices. OneLoveChain wishes NFT gifting will become the new norm of gifting in love economy while OneLoveChain stands as the pioneer in this sustainable market niche.

Visit to explore more this web3.0 way of gifting!